3 Reasons to Use Line Marking Paint Over Tape

If your car park needs to be line marked, then you may be wondering whether you can get away with using traffic tape to do the job. While you can use this kind of tape to create parking bays and directional signs, you may get a better long-term solution by using paint for this job. Why? 1. Paint Sticks Better Line marking tape is supposed to stick hard to surfaces. This is a heavy-duty product.

Two Steps to Take if Vandals Deface Your Commercial Property's Exterior Walls With Graffiti

If your commercial property's exterior walls have been defaced with graffiti by vandals, here are two steps you should take after reporting this incident to the local police. Have them repainted as soon as possible As soon as the police have photographed the vandalised walls to use as evidence, you should contact a painter that does commercial repainting work and have them repaint these walls. There are two reasons why it is important to do this as soon as you possibly can after the incident occurs.