A Guide to Painting Weatherboard Homes

One way of making your home look far more quaint and inviting is by covering up harsh looking concrete or brickwork with panels of wooden weatherboard. You may also want to paint over the weatherboard so that your home stands out a little from all the neighbouring houses on the street. But when you are painting weatherboard, there are a few things that are important to keep in mind.

First, prep the boards. Before painting any wood, it's really important to make sure that the surface of the paint is totally smooth. This means that you should smooth down any rough areas and also wash the boards to remove any dirt and debris. This can be done with a powerful garden hose or with high pressure cleaning equipment. If any dirt is left on top of the wood, it will get lodged underneath the paint.

Prime the wood. Whenever you use a natural material like wood in an outdoor setting, one of the challenges you need to overcome is the way that the elements can wreak havoc with the material. When moisture sets into wood, it can warp, bend, and distort its shape, and it can also become a hotbed for fungus and mildew growth. The hot Australian sun can also cause the wood to become brittle and crack. The solution to this is to apply a layer of primer on the wood before painting it, which will act as a protective layer between the elements and the wood. A primer is also useful because it can stop the paint from seeping in the wood so the colour of the paint is stronger.

Time to paint. When you paint the wood, you can do so with a roller or a large paintbrush. It's a good idea to choose a lighter colour of paint because light colours reflect sunlight, meaning that your house will be kept cooler in those warm Australian summer months. Because light colours reflect the sun, the paint job is less likely to bubble and flake as well.

Of course, painting the entirety of a house front is a very big job and it involves working on a ladder, which can be very tricky. Unless you are very experienced with home projects, it is best to outsource the job to residential painters, such as those at Dyson Painters, who will be equipped with all of the best safety equipment to ensure the job is completed safely and to a professional standard.
